The largest grouping of radio stations in Madagascar - Coalition des Radios Madagascar


Tantsoroka - Coalition des Radios Madagascar

The coalition of radio stations for the consolidation of peace in Madagascar is an autonomous, non-denominational and non-political association, which operates throughout Madagascar. Governed by Ordinance 60-133 of 30 October 1960, it was created for an unlimited period of time and currently has 26 member radio stations spread over 9 regions. Its main objective is to promote peacebuilding through awareness-raising, communication and collaboration between the various member radios. The coalition also works to strengthen the capacity of member radio stations to produce quality peacebuilding content.


We see a society living in peace, freely exchanging opinions and information, working together for the well-being of its citizens and the development of Madagascar.


The mission of the Peacebuilding Radio Coalition is to promote the culture of peace, freedom, dignity and unity through communication, education and capacity building of stakeholders in the development of Madagascar and its citizens.


Clearly defining objectives is a crucial step in ensuring the success of a coalition. The Madagascar Radio Coalition understands this importance and has developed a strong strategic direction that includes specific goals linked to its overall objective. By working together to achieve these goals, coalition members can leverage their collective strengths to maximize their impact and effectiveness. The clarity of the coalition’s strategic direction is therefore a key element of its potential success.


Peace is a central theme for the Radio Coalition of Madagascar, implying much more than the absence of conflict, war or violence. According to dictionary definitions, peace can also mean tranquility, calmness and absence of disturbance. Sociologically, peace is the friendly understanding of all individuals in a society, while psychologically, it is the state of a serene and placid mind.


The Radio Coalition of Madagascar advocates peace and considers it to be a relationship that is built, first with oneself and then with others. It is based on human values, creativity and warmth to transcend violence. Trust is the backbone of the peace process and requires time and patience to strengthen relationships, identify common priorities and find solutions. The sustainability of peace is guaranteed by local self-ownership, the inclusion of all relevant groups and the rebuilding of mutual trust.



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🙏Mankasitraka ny Ambassade de France à Madagasca hiaraka hiasa aminCoalition des radios Madagascarascar hanohana sy hampiroborobo ny zo sy herin'ireo vehivavy mpanjono madinika.
🎣🌊Hararitra 12 volana ny fiarahana miasa.Communiqué : Appui à la société civile malgache

Ouverture du Fonds pour les Projets Innovants de la Société Civile et Coalitions d’Acteurs (FSPI PISCCA) « Femmes résilientes et actrices face à la lutte contre le changement climatique et ses effets » 👇
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🙏Mankasitraka ny Ambassade de France à Madagascar hiaraka hiasa aminny Coalition des radios Madagascar hanohana sy hampiroborobo ny zo sy herinireo vehivavy mpanjono madinika. 
🎣🌊Hararitra 12 volana ny fiarahana miasa.

‼️Fanambarana avy amin'ny Association des Femmes Journalistes de Madagascar

Eo anoloan'ny toe-draharaha nitranga tamin'ny mpanao gazety maromaro indrindra ny mpanao gazety vehivavy eo am- panatanterahana ny asany, ny Association des Femmes Journalistes de Madagascar (AFJM) dia manameloka ny fandrobana, fikasihan-tanana ary indrindra ny teritery amin'ny endriny rehetra mahazo ny mpanao gazety amin'ny endriny rehetra.

Tsy azo ekena ny zavatra nitranga ny zoma lasa teo satria findain'ny mpanao gazety, maromaro isan'ny indain'ny mpanao gazety vehivavy izay niezaka nandrakitra an-tsary ny hetsika no niniana norobaina tamin'ny fomba mamoehitra teny an-tanany.

Manao antso avo amin'ny mpitandro ny filaminana ihany koa izahay AFJM hanokatra ny fanadihadiana sy handray ny fepetra mifanaraka amin'izany.

Asa masina ny asa fanaovan-gazety ary tsy eken'ny saina ny tranga toy izany.

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‼️Fanambarana avy aminny Association des Femmes Journalistes de Madagascar

    Eo anoloanny toe-draharaha nitranga taminny mpanao gazety maromaro indrindra ny mpanao gazety vehivavy eo am- panatanterahana ny asany, ny Association des Femmes Journalistes de Madagascar (AFJM) dia manameloka ny fandrobana, fikasihan-tanana ary indrindra ny teritery aminny endriny rehetra mahazo ny mpanao gazety aminny endriny rehetra. 

Tsy azo ekena ny zavatra nitranga ny zoma lasa teo satria findainny mpanao gazety,  maromaro isanny indainny mpanao gazety vehivavy izay niezaka nandrakitra an-tsary ny hetsika no niniana norobaina taminny fomba mamoehitra teny an-tanany.
Manao antso avo aminny mpitandro ny filaminana ihany koa izahay AFJM hanokatra ny fanadihadiana sy handray ny fepetra mifanaraka aminizany. 

Asa masina ny asa fanaovan-gazety ary tsy ekenny saina ny tranga toy izany.


🕊Amin'ny alahelo lehibe no hizaranay ny vaovao fahalasan'ny namana mpiara-miasa Mirana Razafindrazaka.
🤲Mirary fihononana ho an'ny fianakaviany sy ny fianakaviamben'ny CID sy ny mpanao gazety.
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🕊Aminny alahelo lehibe no hizaranay ny vaovao fahalasanny namana mpiara-miasa Mirana Razafindrazaka. 
🤲Mirary fihononana ho anny fianakaviany sy ny fianakaviambenny CID sy ny mpanao gazety.

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sincères condoléances

Mandria ampiadanana Mirana Razafindrazaka, mirary fiononana hoan'ny fianakaviany sy ny mpiara-miasa dia mahereza daholo isika izay nifandray taminy😥😭😭

Mirary fiononana ho an'ny fianakaviana sy ny mpiara miasa rehetra zahay avy aty Ambanja, mandria am piadanana Mirana Razafindrazaka 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏

Mamangy amin'ny fahoriana tompoko, mankahery ny navelany rehetra, handry am-piadanana anie izy 😔

Mankahery ny fianakaviana sy ny mpiaramiasa.

Mirary fiononana tanteraka ho an ny fianakaviany.

Mirary fionona feno ho an'ny fianakaviany sy ny mpiara_miasa aminy😢

Mandria ampiadanana l

Mamangy amin'ny fahoriana, mirary fihononana feno, handry ampiadanana anie ny fanahiny

Mirary fiononana feno ho an'ny fianakaviana izahay groupe d'écoute ato @ Faritra Ambovombe/Androy

Mankahery n'y fianakaviana

Mandria am-piadanana Mirana Razafindrazaka 😥😥😥

mankahery ny fianakaviaba

mandria am piadanana

Mamangy amin'ny fahoriana tompoko. Vita ny adiny, nitsahatra tamin'izay nisasarany izy! Mahaiza mionona tompoko, dia aza misosok'alahelo intsony!

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👉Visite de Mr Loïc Hervouet et Mr Frédéric Baillot de l'AMFI, en vue d'une collaboration pour la réalisation de différentes formations pour les radios partenaires de coalition des radios.👏👏

👉Tonga nitsidika an'ny Coalition des radios i Atoa Loïc Hervouet sy Atoa Frédéric Baillot avy ao amin'ny AMFI. Nandritra izany no niresahana momba ny fiarahamiasa amin'ny fanatanterahana fampiofana ho an'ireo radio mpiaramiasa.👏👏
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👉Visite de Mr Loïc Hervouet et Mr Frédéric Baillot de lAMFI, en vue dune collaboration pour la réalisation de différentes formations pour les radios partenaires de coalition des radios.👏👏

👉Tonga nitsidika anny Coalition des radios i Atoa Loïc Hervouet sy Atoa Frédéric Baillot avy ao aminny AMFI. Nandritra izany no niresahana momba ny fiarahamiasa aminny fanatanterahana fampiofana ho anireo radio mpiaramiasa.👏👏Image attachmentImage attachment

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Tongsoa Vahiny....vive la coalition des radios 👏

Vive la coalition

Tongasoa ny vahinitsika e

Tonga soa ny vahiny mahafinaritra kosa zany dia miandry anlay fampiofanana izany dia mirary soa hatrany

Tsara izany

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𝗧𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗮 "𝗩𝗮𝗸𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝘆"
💉Maro ireo tsaho momban'ny vakisiny fiarovana amin'ny Covid-19.
Manasa anao hiditra amin’ny tolotra mandroso 321 raha hanaraka izany sombintantara izany hatramin’ny farany.
Fampahafantarana tohanan'ny Internews, iarahan'ny Coalition des radios Madagascar Viamo - Digital Made Easy
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Misy manely tsaho hoe arakaraky ny hanaovana vaksiny covid 19 no mankarary ny olona iray. Inona tokoa ny tena marina?
Andao zahana ny marina sy ny fanazavana izay afaka henoina ihany koa amin'ny Tolotra mandroso 321 Airtel Madagascar.
Fampahafantarana iarahaCoalition des radios MadagascarMInternews Viamo - Digital Made Easy Made Easy
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